Join OurWorld it's the best website ever ;DD''
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Stardolls New Makeover!
Recentley Stardoll Staff has decided to give a complete makeover. They finished the makeover over night,here are some pictures that shows you the complete difference.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Farewell to Donna Karen New York
I would just like to anounce the final clothes line of DKNY was the christmas edition well its the final DKNY on stardoll anyway but not in the real world, I recomend that you buy while you still can becuase eventually DKNY will be more and more rare =) but its to bad that the shop is closing down well good bye Donna Karen New York.
=( goodbye wonderful DKNY
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Love you readers and followers!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Makeover And News
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A few things. (:
If you post your pitures on there, you might get stalked.
A girl was almost murdered because of 4chan.
A-L have been going INSANE because of it, one of the managers had to delete a whole load of the topics that were advertising 4chan;; People are gonna be curious and post their pics on the 4chan website, then MAYBE get stalked..
Search it in wikipedia,
Search it on facebook,
As was said by one of the members of A-L.
And, I couldn't agree more.
Keep safe now.
Oh, AND Here's something for you to do;;
Go on, DO IT.
Monday, April 12, 2010
The New Endangered species animal is out again =)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Holly, Noooo! You Can't Be As Big A Fail As Me. Imma Make That A Law. Cos Nobody Can, Its Impossible.
Are you sure?
A real real sure?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Stardoll Look-A-Like with everytihing
A Stardoll Cover-Boy?????
I just wanted to ask you what do you think of a stardoll cover boy here is an image of it but the cover still says covergirl on it when her is a cover boy and isn't stardoll magazine supose to be only covergirls????
Here is Pyrokar the cover-boy:
so....what do you think should stardoll magazine only have a covergirl or once in a while a cover boy and it should say cover boy on it, when there is a cover-boy?
Ehmm, Idk If You've Noticed.. But I Am. I'm 100%Noob. An Epic Fail.
Dat means i failed, for not realising that sooner. D':
Heyyy it's your wifey again ;D Sorryy, I`m not allowed to add you on facebook cuz my sister will see and say I added someone I don't know. Then she`ll tell my parents and they'll get me in shit :( Sorrryyy :"(
Dammit :/ Aaah well, theres still here though, right? :3
Monday, April 5, 2010
Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?
Commited Realationship, like the one im in now :]
Okay, I`ll yell that. Hopefully that will shut them up . If not I'm going to virtually kill them.. :]
Kill them for ze Jumbie, please :]
Oh, yeah, same. If I could punch them, I would ;3 They`re the ones that made you leave for a while, next time I see a topic about cex or poop, I`m going to freak out at them :)
Why are you pissed? And who are you pissed at? o:
The noobs of OC, the ones constantly talking about Cex and Poop and making it unbearable.
I hope you are not some crazy Tokio Hotel fan. Are you?
Well. I am a fangirl. Obviously.
But i am not someone ho constantly talks about them, displaying everything about my love for them and says constantly. ''TOKIO HOTEL ARE MY FREKAING WORLD, LOLOLOLOLOL'' Cause that really annoys me, but i am i a big fan. But im not that bad. Trust me.
Stardoll Look-A-Like
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
When I Try To Bend Spoons .... They *Sniffles* .... They Pass Away.. :'//
O: I am sorry about that, and that I replied so late, some noob in OC is peed at me cause i deleted her ''I SET THE RULES HERE'' topics.
Yes, I Must Say That Spoons ARE Rather 'Awesome' As You May Say. If It Was Me, I'd Say A Spatula. Cos They're Bendy.. :o
Bendy Bendy.
Spoons are bendy too though, right? If you bend it hard enough. :L
Do you believe in life after death?
No. I believe we stay in the ground. We have no souls. We do not go to Heaven or Hell. We lie there. Gone.
If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?
A movie like Titanic.
I duno, I just like depressing non-scary movies.
Who's the most famous person you've met?
Well. If you class SEEING an Author. Then Jeremy Strong. :L
Would you rather be skinny with an ugly face or fat with a pretty face?
Ehm. Fat with a pretty face. I'd work off those pounds ;D
What website do you spend the most time on?
Ehm ehm, the hell.
Where'd you find out about
I heard alot of people have them, and that its really fun, so i had to join ;D
if you could kiss bill but to kiss him you has to eat an entire ruler, would you? lol
I probably would. You know me. Im completely all for Bill ;D
Only if the ruler was soft though.. Youknow?
Thanks for being my first question!
If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?
Chicken! I adore it! Cant stop eating it!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
That's So Surprise-Spring
Go directly to it-That's So Surprise-Spring
There was some problem in my net so couldn't post the picture but i will post it soon or maybe some other writer..!